
Meeting Dates


Elevate your Operations

Develop systems for maximum efficiency and alignment in your company operations. Learn how big businesses manage multiple moving parts and how to keep your team on track towards your company goals.

Elevate Your Billing Systems

Ensure that your billing is able to be delegated to someone else in the future. Take the guesswork out of how much to charge and what to pay therapists.

Elevate Your HR Systems

Ensure that your business has the necessary systems in place to operate without you. Create systems that allow for hiring to be streamlined and efficient across your organization.

Elevate Your Business PR

Create PR Strategies for your business and become your own publicist. Become "discoverable" by potential buyers in the future by implementing PR boosting activities in your business.

I've been there...

When I think back to how I led my business in the first two years of owning my private practice compared to now... I cringe. Hard. I knew nothing about creating deliberate systems in my private practice so that I could lead more efficiently and more confidently. My leadership strategy was "learn as you go" at best and boy, did I learn a lot along the way.

So I devoted hours to learning how to create systems that would allow me to lead more confidently and create more efficient processes to streamline operations and reduce headaches in my business. I had a dream of my business running like a well-oiled machine and it was my goal to make that a reality.

Today, I have an amazing team-lead company that allows me to have the ideal work/life balance. I've been able to free up time to focus on some of the bigger things that need my attention and on things that I love to do outside of my private practice, like teaching.

Want to know how to create a streamlined business that can eventually become a team led company? Sign up for The SLP CEO Accelerator Program and get started today!

This program is for you if...

  • You want to streamline processes and systems in your business, while freeing up more of your time to focus on the bigger tasks that need your attention.
  • You want to scale your business. Scale faster and get more clients by leveraging our comprehensive 6-week course that covers the essential elements to growing and managing a successful private practice. You must be making 200k or more in revenue or more to sign up for this program.
  • You want to build your legacy. Take charge of your business and life by setting your private practice apart from the rest and creating a company that you can sell for a profit in the future. This accelerator program will provide the guidance and tools necessary for a future acquisition if your goal is to sell your private practice in the future.
  • You dream of working less hours in your private practice. Make the most of your limited time with proven tips and tactics to manage a remote workforce, prioritize tasks, and enjoy life outside of work.
  • You know your business deserves a strong leader and CEO, but you're not sure how to become one. 

What You Get With The CEO Accelerator Program for SLPs and OTs

  • 6 bi-weekly group coaching calls ($1200 Value)
  • 3 private 30 minute 1:1 calls with your SLP CEO coach ($1200 value)
  • The SLP CEO Accelerator Program Curriculum ($4,000 value)
  • A private community for Daily Support ($500 value)
  • Assigned Accountability Partners

A $7,700 value for only $4,197

Be confident in your leadership. Learn how to be a CEO.


Lay the Foundation

Exceptional entrepreneurs possess a deep understanding of their target audience. Discover the crucial steps to establish a strong business foundation from the outset, enabling you to effectively allure the perfect clients and potential team members.

Elevate Your Communications

Master the art of email inbox management and reclaim precious hours from your daily routine. Discover strategies to minimize the time spent on email checking by at least an hour each day. Implement streamlined systems to enhance the efficiency of email communication throughout your entire organization. Keep your team well-informed, even when you're away from the office. Slash the number of meetings on your schedule and create space to indulge in activities that bring you joy.

Elevate Your Marketing

Develop consistency across your brand. Learn how to delegate your marketing and use AI to help with brand copywriting and marketing saving you tons of time and money.

Elevate Your Time Management

Learn tips and tricks for managing your schedule. Get rid of unnecessary meetings, get back at least 5 hours of time per week. Learn how to streamline your meetings and communication with your team using the strategies we teach in this program.